Sunday, September 28, 2008

something smells fishy~ O_o!

This week, I came to class late AGAIN. It was all because of the gendre block location. It is located all the way up the 'mountain'. Unfortunately, that is the place where we have to climb up and down for our weekly Gender tutorial. Haish. Most frustrating, we will be late about 15 minutes of technology class as there is no time gap at all. We have to run or 'walk race' to get to the class in time, which is impossible. huhu ^_^" I'm sory Dr Maznah and all. Ive tried my best to come as early as i can.
When i enter the MK1, i was really shock. All my friends were throwing rubber fish at me. I was shocked not because the fish looks ugly or what. But Dr Maznah was also there laughing."Am i dreaming?", that's what in my mind at that time. After a while, then i realize that is one of Dr Maznah teaching approach. Interesting. I would like to apply the method in my classroom later. xP It was not just for fish war, this week we were introduces to 'FISH phylosphy'.FISH Philosophy is a skill that provides the process, tools and language to generate the skills necessary to design a workplace full of inspiration, creativity and innovation. In simple words, teaches us to have fun at work. Not to be careless but to be more motivated and productive. It is very simple phylosophy which only needs 4 simple practices:
  • Be there.
  • Play
  • Make their day
  • Choose your atitude
As a future teacher, i think this method may come very useful in my classroom later. As we know, children come from varies family background. Some of them come from very poor family and having very hard time through their life. This is the time where teachers may help them to forget about their problems for a while and enjoy the lesson. We have to understand that in a classroom all should be treated equally. When they forget about their problem, they are equal and ready to learn. =)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Do we really need technology?

Computer technology is needed as societal demands on what students learn have increased dramatically. This trend of risong expectations is accelerating because of the esplotion of knowledge now available to the public and growing demands of the workplace. Classroom equipped with chalk and board is no longer sufficient in delivering latest knowledge where computer and software are needed. However. in Malaysia context. those in rural area still suffering from lack of educational technology which enable the students ans teachers to compete with moving knowledge trend. They will be in handicap in certain field. It is not their fault to be technology illiterate. Their school condition and teacher's ability to teach are limiting them to gain more.

However, research found that tehnology use in school produces mix result. There are positive ad negative in various aspects. Thre main reasons contribute to these results. First, hardware and software very among schools, nad even greater variation approaches schools use the technology. Secondly, concurrent reforms in other areas such as curriculum, assessment, and teacher prefessional development, so the gains in learning cannot be attributed to use of technology alone. Third, research is obviously expensive. O_o!

Monday, September 8, 2008

hard n fun.please mix along.haha =)

Smartboard? haha~
Frankly, when I was in college I only know how to set it up.
Creating my own teaching activity?no. Ive never done that.
And I have no idea how to do it.
It always fun to see how the smartboard works.
All in all, we still need human expertise to make it works.
The example is me myself.
Watching people presenting their work is so much easier than creating your own.
At first, I was so lost to start the task.
I was facing the blank slide for half an hour and end up with deleting everything back.huhu O_o!
I repeat the previous step quite a few times actually. ^_^”
Thanks to my fellow friends who are willing to teach me a little bit of here and there about the function hidden behind the icons.huhu
Now, I have done 80% of the task.
The touch up process coming tonight. =)
Please wait to see the result. I’m not sure if its as expected but I’ve done my best.
Please enjoy the product~ =)
p/s : for those who has busting their ass working for future nation,i solute you. ^_^"

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

smartboard.erk? O_o!

The use of interactive whiteboards in schools @ smartboard.This is our task for this week. We have to plan an interactive learning using smartboard. I think it is not a hard task if we manage to discover all the function of smartboard.

Hurm,lets turn our head to what we have learned today.softskills!!~
erk,wut is it?let me recall.
1. communication
3.creative and critical thinking skills
4.profession ethics and moral values.
7.long life learning.

After taking all the element into account, I think im more motivated to apply it into my next task. Wish me luck guys!!~ ^_^"

help me!!

cartoon from

Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.

mental block. ^_^"

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

i love cartoon!!~ ^_^"

first of all.i love cartoon!!~
thanks to all the cartoon producer.
hurm,you must be wondering why i really appreciate cartoon right?

actually,ive been working on my videoclip for weeks!
it takes one week to build a one minute animation.
the drawing and colouring process is killing me!huhuhu
now,i will appreciate cartoon more because ive been in their shoes.

my eagerness in creating the videoclip has drag me from visiting my blogs.
now,the videoclip is done.

im ready to pay back my debt and focus on my blogs.
sory mrBlogs for leaving you without notice.hee ^_^"

Saturday, July 12, 2008 ^_^"

1. How technology is going to affect how your students are going to be learning.

Teachnology has been part of education field since the beginning.As technology improve in time,so does education, Students have to cope with the changing and keep updating their style of learning.With the current technology such as internet.It enables students to ask or learn anything from their teacher via email.They can even google all the information through internet and webs provided. With the technology as helpful as that,their knowledge now has no boundaries.They may even catch up with the latest info with just a 'click'.how hard is that?=) Learning is no longer as bored as it used to be.interactive learning programmes are all over the net.Teacher may even teach an interactive learning teaching style by using the 'smartboard'.more hands on activity can be done. direct experience is one of the best way of learning.

2. How you as a teacher will be learning.

It has been teachers' responsibility to catch up with the latest info and knowledge.We teachers have to maintain the trust as 'fountain of knowledge'.With all the current technology,knowledge seems to be just at your fingertips.There will be no relevant excuse not to be in line with the moving era.

Friday, July 11, 2008


Television and video tape:
-video is the display of the recorded pictures on a television screen.
-moving images are recorded on video tapes.
-video tapes store and display moving images accompanied by sound.
-certain special effects such as slow motion and still image are available.
Principles for using video:
-check lightning,seating,and volume controls beforehand.
-prepare students by reviewing previously learned content and ask new questions.
-stop the videotape at appropriate points for discussion.
-highlight major points by writing.
-real-life experience
Limitations of video
-fixed pace

p/s : dont bother searching for picture.i know you have seen one of it.=)

white board.

This is a whiteboard picture.
To help those people who never seen any.haha=)

One of the most familiar technology in school is WHITEBOARD! The question is why teachers choose to use it?maybe some of these facts may help.=)

-can be used to display text and visual materials
-to support verbal communication
-can used as a surface to attach or draw visuals
-visuals can be in the form of sketches,diagrams,charts and graphs.
-can be used as a screen for slide projector or overhead transparencies.
-white board with steel backing can be used as magnetic board.

Principles for using white board:
- check the suitability of the board from several positions.
- decide in advance how you want to use the board.
- face your audience.

-easy to use.
-available in all the class

-passive role of students
-two-dimentional view
-lack of motion

"any technology can make a big different in a good hand" .cherioo!!~ ^_^"

educational technology. ^_^"

what is technology?
do we really need the technology to teach young learners?
like what?
what is the option of technology that can we use in school?

hopefully all of these questions will be answered in mere time.

so.stay tune!! =)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

first step.

hye there.

welcome to my newborn blog.

there is not much to be written in this first post.

more interesting post coming next.

keep visiting yeah. =)